

To protect and conserve our natural and cultural environment by empowering civil society and government to jointly create healthy and prosperous communities.


Communities believe their quality of life is related to the health and vitality of the environment and citizens act accordingly.


Eco-Alianza believes that everyone living in or visiting Loreto must be part of the solution.

Latest News

Meet our Leadership

The Board of Directors of Eco-Alianza proudly announces the election of L.C.P. Carlos David Posadas Solano as our new Executive Director. For several years, Carlos has served on both our Advisory Board and as a member of our Board of Directors. We look forward to the application of his enthusiasm, dedication and commitment to our mission of environmental education and protections for Loreto and its surroundings.

Sula Vanderplank, Ph.D. Executive Director, CEMA Executive Director

Eco-Alianza de Loreto proudly announces the selection of Sula Vanderplank, Ph.D, as Executive Director of the newly established CEMA, Centro de Estudios del Medio Ambiente, a planned international field station for research, conservation and public service, based in Loreto, Baja California Sur. Sula brings her broad background in conservation-science projects focused on coastal systems to bear upon this exciting project. CEMA, is an international partnership begun six years ago with the University of California. Born from Sister Park initiative in collaboration with the Channel Islands National Park, Ventura, California, which resulted in an international treaty signed by the United States and Mexico, CEMA is unique in its mission.

As a non-profit, donations and in-kind support enable us to work towards our goals. Help us protect and conserve.

Eco-Alianza believes that everyone living in or visiting Loreto must be part of the solution.


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