Eco-Alianza Hosts International Summit for
Centro de Estudios del Medio Ambient – CEMA–– a US-Mexico Institutional Collaboration
Centro de Estudios del Medio Ambient – CEMA–– a US-Mexico Institutional Collaboration

It starts with an idea and a dream. A dream of a research field station in Loreto, BCS, born of international partnerships and alliances, a hub bustling with the activities of researchers, students, professors, journalists, and scientists from across the globe. A dream of an educational center to support exploration of the physiological treasures in the region, create a baseline of information upon which to build a data bank, and extend an awareness and understanding of the Baja peninsula.
In late October, thirty-nine participants from Mexico and the United States gathered at Eco-Alianza’s headquarters, the Community Center for the Environment, CenCoMA for three days of collaboration and exploration how best to manifest the dream. Through a series of presentations, workshops, and break-out discussion groups, strategies were developed to carry the dream to a reality. A partnership between the University of California Natural Reserve System (UCNRS) and Eco-Alianza de Loreto formalized in 2019, established the Loreto region as a Sister Reserve within the constellation of UCNRS reserves and field stations. The UCNRS network has set a global standard for promoting conservation and research, and a major goal of CEMA is to bring that proven model to Baja California Sur. Nestled between the Parque Nacional Bahia de Loreto, and the Sierra de La Giganta, the location offers endless untapped opportunities for new discoveries.
Loreto is a very “charismatic” research and conservation initiative – active and always photogenic. The UC Natural Reserve System also is proud to highlight its new Sister Reserve: https://ucnrs.org/uc-natural-reserve-system-gains-sister-reserve-in-baja-california/.
Quote by Nicholas Pinter, Ph.D. University of California Davis