Eco Alianza

Soundings: May Issue

Spring Cleaning All Around Us Photo courtesy of Richard Jackson Photography As the days continue to lengthen, this month's Soundings explores a variety of springtime activities in Loreto. Everyone's taking advantage of the extra hours of daylight, and relishing the cool nights as daytime temperatures increase. Last month's "spring cleaning" inside our homes (culminating in the celebration of our Garage Sale and Raffle) seems to have led to a fervor of spring cleaning outside. Birds have been sprucing up their nests for spring hatchlings, and all around Loreto folks are cleaning up beaches and arroyos and neighborhoods, and teaming up with friends for this summer's Recyclathon. Read all about it in this month's Soundings ! Photo courtesy of Richard Jackson Photography Say [...]

2017-09-29T04:32:29-07:0005/27/2017|Soundings Newsletter|
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