This comes to you as an urgent request.

Photos courtesy of Richard Jackson
At the height of the tourist season, global emergency measures to counter attack the COVID-19 pandemic have placed Loreto in a vulnerable situation — during the peak months that our ecotour guides, our hotel workers, restaurant workers, and other service workers rely on to put cash in their savings to survive the quiet summer months that typically have few visitors.
Suddenly, the exodus caused by the concern over this invisible disease made Loreto seem like a veritable ghost town. Hotels are shuttered. Restaurants are closed. The marina has shut down all tour and sport fishing launches. The streets are empty. Most of the flights in and out of Loreto have been cancelled.
Those who depend on tourist dollars suddenly have no income. Which means no purchasing power. Which means no food – for themselves or their children. For those of us who are able, it is time to step up and help. Our Loreto families are already suffering.
Eco-Alianza has established a working relationship with the Our Lady of Loreto Mission, local charitable groups, and locally-owned food stores, who are creating food packages and pre-made meals to serve the most vulnerable. In concert with the International Community Foundation (ICF) we have set a fund raising goal of $50,000 USD by April 13. These funds will provide food packages and meals for Loreto families over the next three months. The results of our efforts will be reported through our Soundings e-newsletter.
It is not our practice to solicit funds online, but this is an extraordinary situation. Every cent of your contribution will go to put food on the table for local unemployed families immediately. No overhead nor processing fees will be deducted from your donation.
Raising $50,000 may seem daunting, but it is very feasible if we act quickly. ICF, which manages the Amigos de Eco-Alianza Fund, has received a generous offer from one of its donors, who will match all donations, at a ratio of 2:1, up to $500,000, for our effort and other similar response efforts throughout Baja California Sur. It’s important to act now to secure Loreto’s share.
In other words, if you contribute $100 they will match with an additional $200, and we will have raised $300 to provide food specifically for struggling Loreto families. If you donate $1,000 they will donate an additional $2,000, and so on. A generous Eco-Alianza donor already has kicked off our campaign with a $5,000 jump start (meaning, with the 2:1 match, we’ve already raised $15,000 towards our goal). Will you please help us with the rest? Or even help us to greatly exceed our goal and take maximum advantage of this donor’s kindness? As you can imagine, the need in Loreto is already tremendous and this may be only the beginning.
All donations through ICF are tax deductible in the United States. As a safety precaution Eco-Alianza staff members are now working from their homes, so please make your donation by credit card or by mailing a check to ICF. Click Here to Make a Donation.
Donations in Mexico also qualify for the 2:1 matching funds. Contact for instructions on how to transfer funds, and you will receive a fiscal Mexican tax receipt.
We recognize that this is a challenging time for everyone, with many competing priorities. Please donate today if you are able. Loreto’s families are counting on you, and we thank you so much for your generosity in this time of need.
With best wishes to you and your family,
Arq. Yvo Arias Salorio
President, Board of Directors
Eco-Alianza de Loreto, AC