History in the Making: The Rebirth of the Western Flyer, and a New Generation of Research Opportunities.

Join the festivities and visit the Western Flyer, the actual ship that carried John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts through the Sea of Cortez in 1940. The 77’ purse seiner, built for commercial fishing in the Pacific Northwest, was chartered by the two men for a 6-week exploratory journey. Steinbeck and Ricketts sought to collect marine specimens and document biodiversity, as well as explore larger questions about humanity’s place in the natural world, the interconnectedness of life, and the impact of humans on ecosystems. The journey was later chronicled in Steinbeck’s book, The Log from the Sea of Cortez, which combined scientific observations with philosophical musings.

After their trip, The Western Flyer returned to commercial fishing, passed through several owners and eventually, sank to the bottom of the sea. In 2015, the ship was purchased by businessman John Gregg, who was inspired by its literary and historical significance. Through the Western Flyer Foundation, he was able to restore the ship to exacting standards – board by board – replacing nearly 90% of the hull, refurbishing the wheelhouse, and bringing it to current marine standards with a state-of-the-art hybrid-electric propulsion system.

The Western Flyer has been preserved as a floating educational and research vessel that celebrates Steinbeck and Ricketts’ legacy. The ship will stop this spring on its inaugural journey in Loreto, described by Steinbeck as “…a place that whispers stories to those who listen, tales of explorers, missionaries, and the people who have called this land home.”

On May the 9-13, the ship will be docked at Puerto Escondido where a variety of presentations and celebrations will be held.  Please mark your calendars and make plans to see the ship, meet the people involved, and share with Eco-Alianza the joy of expanded environmental education opportunities.