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Urban zoning determines the rules and guidelines for land use and spatial organization within a given area. Attend the work tables and learn about the zoning proposal.

Consult the plan here: https://loreto.gob.mx/?seccion=desarrollourbano2024

UABCS Loreto| 05:00 p.m. | All public

Organized by FONATUR and H. X. Ayuntamiento de Loreto

Last July 29, 2024, the consultation of the update of the Subregional Development Plan (PSDU) Loreto, Nopolo, Notri, Ligüi and Ensenada Blanca began. This consultation process closes on November 25, 2024 and participation in the revision of this instrument by the local and foreign community of Loreto is very important.

Eco-Alianza invites you to participate in the different working tables organized by FONATUR and the H. X. Ayuntamiento de Loreto to review and integrate your comments and suggestions, and decide together the best future for Loreto.

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